MySQL: Large VARCHAR vs. TEXT? - Stack Overflow 2010年1月7日 - I've got a messages table in MySQL which records ... TEXT and BLOB is stored off the ...
database - VARCHAR vs TEXT in MySQL - Stack Overflow 2011年6月19日 - I have two fields: one to store an excerpt with a max size of ... A long VARCHAR is stored ...
When to use TEXT in mysql instead of VARCHAR - Stack ... 2012年7月11日 - MySQL: Large VARCHAR vs. TEXT? Since VARCHAR can have 65k bytes now, when ...
SQL Server Text type vs. varchar data type - Stack Overflow 2009年2月19日 - As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to ...
MySQL InnoDB VARCHAR performance versus TEXT on inserts 2013年10月19日 - VARCHAR and TEXT are stored identically in MySQL's InnoDB storage engine. There is no ...
php - varchar vs text - MySQL - Stack Overflow 2011年4月21日 - in my project an user can write comment [plain text], and ... To protect yourself from XSS ...
TEXT vs VARCHAR - SQL - W3Schools Forum TEXT vs VARCHAR - posted in SQL: Im confused which one of TEXT and VARCHAR is ...
TEXT vs. VARCHAR - Pythian 2010年1月20日 - On first glance, it looks like TEXT and VARCHAR can store the same information.
MySQL :: VARCHAR vs. TEXT - some performance numbers 2006年7月31日 - A question I hear once in a while is "why not make all your textual columns TEXT ...
What is the difference between MySQL VARCHAR and TEXT ... 2011年1月7日 - Tables with VARCHAR columns may have fixed or dynamic row length. The sum of the ...